What Is The Cisco DSI Program?


The DSI Program selects strategic partners from Cisco’s worldwide partner network to provide unique value and perspective to Cisco’s most important customers. Cisco DSI partners are considered experts in their space, working strategically and tactically with industry leaders.

Out of over 50,000 Cisco partner companies worldwide, less than 15 are selected for the DSI Program. Delta Bravo has been chosen based on its successful track record with customers like Rolls-Royce, Nucor Steel, Continental, Gulfstream, AccuWeather, Butterball and more.

Read more about the Cisco/Delta Bravo partnership.

How Do Customers Benefit?


Customers selected on a specific criteria are eligible for a fully-funded Delta Bravo Workshop and Delta Bravo Pilot.

Use Cases Include:

  • Manufacturing:  Predictive Quality, Predictive Maintenance, Facility and Energy Management
  • Supply Chain:   Demand Forecasting, Inventory Movement Forecasting, Sales Optimization and Customer Buying Patterns
  • Sustainability:   Facility energy usage optimization, chemical/water/wastewater optimization

The DSI Program is not available for all Cisco and/or Delta Bravo customers.


Workshop Focused On Identifying, Vetting Target Use Case for Delta Bravo Pilot


This process is based on a Best Practice Framework and Approach used in over 40 successful Advanced Analytics and Industrial AI Use Cases ranging from Quality Optimization to Predictive Maintenance and Sustainability.

Meeting One:  Best Practices and Process (60 minutes)
Meeting Two:  Target Use Case discussion (60 minutes)


Advanced Analytics and AI Value Framework
Analysts from Gartner to Emerj note that 85% of Advanced Analytics and AI projects don’t make it to production and/or fail when they do. Delta Bravo shares the framework used to drive measurable ROI, improved workforce readiness and value at scale to over 40 manufacturers worldwide.

Industry Perspective, Real Life Look-In
Learn what others in your space are doing with their operations data. See real-time Advanced Analytics and AI solutions in action with real customers; this is not a canned demo. 

IT and Security Impact
Best practices for secure, compliant data access and transfer.

Content from the Workshop will be made available to attendees, including Best Practice frameworks and Industry Use Cases.  The Target Use Case will also be defined and documented.

DSI Pilot Details

The Delta Bravo DSI pilot engagement typically runs for 2-3 months depending on the Target Use Case.

Confirm ROI and Success Metrics
Document target metrics for Return on Investment.  Determine “tipping point” for moving from pilot to production.

Data Validation, Pilot Functionality
Validating data accuracy and pilot functionality is critical to building trust, acceptance and adoption of the solution. Our team will review a sample dataset for the Target Use Case to confirm viability and identify any gaps. We will also discuss how and where the capability can be piloted, targeting people and process in a way that minimizes disruption and adds value.  Pricing for moving the pilot solution to production and options for ongoing support will also be provided.

Pilot Deployment
Pilots can be deployed using historic data or real-time data depending on the use case.  Pilot time ranges are also flexible, ranging from 3-6 months.

Ongoing Usage and Support Options
Once the end of the pilot is reached, the customer will have the option to continue the pilot on a month-to-month cost basis or move the pilot into production.  The pilot may also be canceled at this time.

Are You Eligible?


Companies leveraging Cisco Systems for networking and security solutions are eligible, as are organizations making the switch to Cisco Systems.  Contact your Cisco Account Representative and ask about the Cisco DSI Program.